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Aumireta Group Website
Our core values are to provide customers with best quality products and services through diversified industry, while maintaining its competitive price.
Following 15 years plan of company goals, nearly completion not far from our sight is ORZORA BOUTIQUE HOTELS, SEKARTAJI LIVING.
AUMIRETA GROUP completed the construction of AUMIRETA PRATAMA. New manufacturing factory focusing on Plastic and Polyurethane productions to support in-house manufacturing companies.
GOLDEN ERA. In 2021, Our Manufacturing companies expanded its capabilities of being able to produce Outdoor Furniture using Aluminum and Teak.
During this year, AUMIRETA ANGGUN 1 has broaden doubled it’s production capacity by successfully sending 125 containers per/month (average).
AUMIRETA GROUP acquired 20,000 meter square lands and starting it’s warehouse construction to produce plastic and polyurethane productions.
During Pandemic times, AUMIRETA GROUP provides a significant helps under “AUMIRETACARE” to healthy workers by supplying 5000 safety uniforms, 2000 face mask. Distributed to local hospitals and clinic.
The new foundation created during the year “YAYASAN SEMBOYAN NAFIRI”, focusing in helping local children’s to get proper education.
AUMIRETA GROUP created First Branch M-Lathi Coffee.
AUMIRETA ANGGUN acquired 40,000 meter square lands with hopes to double its capacity by 2025.
The completion of Cemara Ballroom and JAVANINE 2 RESTAURANT. Significant sight expanded to support our Food and Beverages brands. The following brands focusing in providing event services and wedding venues with taste of Indonesian-based food.
Our Shuttlecock Company released “DKT-Shuttlecock”. Focusing on low-budget shuttlecock products aiming to reach lower market with reasonable quality products.
The introduction of JAVANINE RESTAURANT. We expanded our industry by providing Luxury Family-Model Restaurant while providing Indonesian-based food & beverages. Located at the heart of Malang. Our Motto “We Cook Something Delicious for the Family and Share it with friends.”
Signing contract agreement with Yonex ltd. to produce their exclusive shuttlecock products, distributed specifically for South East Asia market.
AUMIRETA GROUP Acquired “PT. UNGGUL ANUGERAH SEJAHTERA” to set a 15-year plans in constructing ballrooms, restaurant and boutique hotels. (more info 2016 – so on).
During the following years, the company continued to focus on increasing capacity of its production, while having the capability to import fabrics from overseas.
The company has expanded onto 30,000 meters square lands and has 4 main warehouses. Focusing on producing Outdoor Cushions and Shuttlecocks.
We moved from small home-industry onto 5,000 meters lands with two main warehouses.
Entering sport manufacturing goods specialized in producing good Shuttlecocks.
Starting with only 5 people, now the company has more than 500 active working staffs with our product brands can be found on local sport store. (Nine Silver, Nine Black, Nine Gold)
The Birth of AUMIRETA ANGGUN, started as a small home-industry focusing on sewing outdoor umbrella, pillows. We offer services to local furniture factories.
Becoming a multinational companies in it’s specific industry.
To keep on producing and expanding our companies to provide significant impact for our beloved INDONESIA.
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