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- Education Scholarship
Around the world, children are deprived of education and learning for various reasons. One of the biggest crises we see and hear all the time is about unequal education for children across the globe, which seems to favor only certain circles. Children living through economic fragility, a child who has extraordinary achievements but does not get the opportunity for proper education the failure of a country. From the existing data in 2020-2021, it was recorded that 83,7000 children throughout Indonesia dropped out of school and 76% of the main reason why they did not continue their education was due to economic problems. Without quality education, children face considerable barriers to employment and earning potential later in life.
A slight movement that our company can do is to help a foundation in Indonesia, one that has received our attention is Nafiri Kasih Foundation. One of the assistance we provide is scholarships for those who excel but have difficulties in the economy, facilities, and other constraints. Not only for those who have achievements but for those who have the will to keep learning but have difficulties also getting our attention. It is this kind of movement that we hope will continue to develop during a world crisis so that proper education can be received in various places regardless of social and cultural status. Without quality education, children face considerable barriers to employment and earning potential later in life. Unequal educational facilities also have an impact on the future where there will be many unemployed, one of the reasons is the low level of education because abilities are not developed in place, then those who have dreams but because of many obstacles decide not to continue their education and many more. With a lot of educational background that happened our company will continue to provide scholarship assistance to several other places so that the more we do it can help education in Indonesia to be even better.